Last Updated: Nov 20, 2020
Views: 444

Congressional information is available through various Pentagon Library subscription databases and publicly available resources.  For more detailed information about access to Congressional and other government documents, see our Government Documents information guide.

Library Subscription Databases

Proquest Congressional provides access to many current and historical Congressional documents including the Congressional Record; Legislative histories, 1969-present; selected Committee hearings, transcripts, and full-text statements, 1988-present; Committee reports full text, 1990-present; House and Senate documents full text, 1995-present; Bill texts and tracking, 1989-present; Public law texts, 1988-present; Member financial disclosures, profiles, and voting records; and Index and abstracts for congressional committee documents, prints, reports and published hearings, 1970-present.

HeinOnline U.S. Congressional Documents features the complete Congressional Record Bound version, as well as the daily version back to 1980. It also includes the three predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837) Congressional Globe (1833-1873), and Congressional Hearings (1927-2012), as well as other important congressional material. Using the Daily-to-Bound Locator Tool, you can quickly find a page in the Bound volume from the Daily edition.

Access to Congressional information through Lexis, Westlaw, and subscriptions is available through the Pentagon Library.  Contact the Pentagon Library (703-695-1997) or Mark Center branch (571-372-3613) for details regarding access.


Public Sites for Congressional information, a Library of Congress service, provides comprehensive coverage of Congressional documents, beginning with the 104th Congress, as well as member information since the 93rd Congress.

govinfo is a U.S. Government Printing Office service that provides access to many government documents including Congressional bills, Congressional hearings, the Congressional Record, and Congressional reports.

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